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CODE: CCA01_31082021
Highly concentrated dyes in aqueous solution, ready to use, characterized by good lightfastness, excellent transparency, gloss and uniformity. Overcoatable with polyurethane and acrylics without problems. Used to modify and darken the SML01_31082021 - WB ECO-FILLER in the presence of dark wood essences.
It is recommended to stir well the product before use.
Add the CCA01_31082021, in the maximum percentage of 5%, in the Filler SML01_31082021. Stir well after adding. Proceed following the instructions of the used filler.
Keep it tightly sealed in its original container in a cool environment (between +10°C and +25°C) that is not subject to abrupt temperature excursions. Standard pack size is 1 Kg. For other specific requirements a feasibility evaluation will be made.
The product is intended for professional use only, refer to the Safety Data Sheet.